If you want to contact us for more info, please mail to info@bluepump.com
If you want to order BluePumps, please contact our international Worldwide BluePump dealer: BOODE BV (Click here)
Depending on the location where you need the BluePumps, Boode BV will deliver the BluePumps directly or via one of our regional dealers. The maximum number of BluePumps that will fit in a 20ft sea container is about 40 to 50 pumps, depending on the number of pipes needed.
Please provide with your inquiry:
– Number of BluePumps needed;
– The average depth of the borehole itself:
– Average depth to the static water table;
– Need for training;
– Preferred delivery date:
– Your location and administration details.
The BluePump handpump is an international registered Trademark (NL-34316771).
Join-the-Pipe (Bezoekadres)
Danzigerbocht 45F
1013 AM Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 260.1171
Mob. +31 6 236 686 15