The BluePump handpump has been designed with no compromise on quality and durability to pump day and night in the harshest conditions, and that’s what it does, day in and day out. It’s a most rock-solid, reliable, manually operated water pump available for rural water projects in Africa.
All components are made from high-quality materials, while the technology behind the BluePump concept is rather simple and reliable. Therefore the BluePump is cheaper to operate & more easy to maintain than any other handpump on the market.

The BluePump can pump up to 100m deep
Due to it’s special designed riser pipe system, with an extractable (stainless) steel cylinder and flexible Bottom Support pipes, the standard BluePump assembly can easily pump water from 100m deep. That means one type of pump for all depth. This is also convenient for the spare parts; no special spares are required in those zones with deep groundwater.
Maintenace free pump system
The revolutionary stainless steel pump system of the BluePump is simple, reliable and basically maintenance free. This means that the pump will not suddenly stop due to technical problems or wear and tear on the piston or cylinder.
One of the reasons for that is the fact that the BluePump piston has NO rubber seal. Such seals in other pumps are the main cause of their many breakdowns. The only basic maintenance the BluePump requires is checking nuts and bolts on the pump stand.
Having said that, it is obvious that “maintenance free” does not guarantee that the BluePump will never ever break down of will never have a problem. Murphy’s law also exists in Africa.
Also, in any mechanic device, moving parts may wear out with time. However, the BluePump is designed in such a way, that all parts last 10 to over 100 times longer compared to other pumps, which makes a huge difference in water security and maintenance costs.
For instance the centralizers: In deep boreholes, especially in case the borehole is not vertical, the lower centralizers can wear out with time. However, they are double on each rod and can be turned around for a new life and switched with the upper centralizers. The BluePump is, therefore, the most sustainable and low-cost maintenance solution for rural water supply.
The BluePump is mounted on a solid concrete pedestal with 6 extra long anchor bolts. In case of deep installations, the handle can have an additional counterweight to make pumping lighter. To avoid stress on the PVC pipes, the BluePump rising main pipes can be extended with a free moving bottom support system (BPS).
Installation is extremely easy and can be done without specific tools by 2 persons. First, the PVC pipes are installed with a rope, and after that, the cylinder is lowered with the rods. The position of the cylinder must be at least 10m below the static water level. For inspection, the cylinder can always easily be taken out while the PVC pipes stay in the borehole.

Technical data
Rising mains: PVC pipes, Ø 70/80 x 2000 mm.
Connections: Glue sockets Ø 80/95 x 180 mm. or male/female ends.
Rods: Stainless steel A2, Ø 12mm x 2000 mm. fully threaded.
Centralizers: HDPE Ø 68x15mm, double use, floating.
Bearings: M30 & M20, Heavy duty, sealed, self-adjusting, maintenance free.
Cylinder: Stainless steel, Ø 53 / 57 x 1000mm, double foot valve, maintenance free
Piston: Ø 53 x 380 mm (maintenance free, NO rubber seals). Max stroke = 200mm.
Depth (m.): 20m. 40m. 60m. 80m. 100m.
Discharge (l/min.): 20 15 14 13 11 .

Reference: A Comparative Evaluation Of Ultra Deep-Well Handpumps in Mozambique. BluePump versus India MK2 ED, Lucas Cornet and Dr. Mike Hann, Cranfield University, 2012.
BluePumps, 10 strong points:
1. The Bluepumps piston has no (rubber) seal. Other pumps have piston seals that wear out fast.
2. BluePumps have a double stainless steel, long-lasting foot valves. Other pumps just have one that often leaks.
3. BluePumps have high-grade PVC pipes and stainless steel rods. Other pumps have serious rusting problems.
4. BluePumps have heavy duty bearings lasting 10+ years. Other pumps have fragile (plastic) bearings.
5. BluePumps are designed to pump from 100m. deep. Other pumps cannot handle deep groundwater very well.
6. BluePumps are lighter to operate and produce more water than other pumps.
7. BluePumps are easy to install and to maintain without special tools. Other pumps need complex special tools.
8. BluePump rods have long-lasting innovative double floating centralizers with stabilizers that make pumping lighter.
9. BluePumps are installed & maintained by local professionals for long-term back-up of spares whenever needed.
10. Last but not least: BluePump dealers provide excellent customer service. Other handpumps dealers just sell pumps for a profit, without any after sale service.
There are much more details of the BluePump that makes it stand out. For more details click here or contact us.
Click here, to see the BluePump Video how people in the field appreciate the BluePump

Technical overview of the BluePump with “Bottom-Support” pipes that continue below the cylinder until the bottom of the borehole, to give support to the PVC pipes. These pipes can always be taken out of the borehole if needed.