Blue Pump

The BluePump; finally a pump that last!


The BluePump handpump is a reliable and Low-Maintenance Community HandPump, but we do not recommend to install a BluePump in the middle of nowhere and hope for the best.

Having said that, the question is: “What is the best way to maintain a BluePump?”

And in “best”, we mean; most efficient, at the lowest cost for the Community. The total cost of operation is often referred to as TOPEX (Total Operational Expenses) which are not only the cost of the day to day issues and occasional small repairs but also and especially the main repairs that may come up after 3 to 5 years.

The BlueZone Maintenance Model (BMM)
We have been involved since 1998 in sustainability issues of Rural handpumps all over Africa.
See for instance our early publication about this subject for the WEDC Conference of 2001 in Lusaka, Zambia (Click Here).

Based on the input of many stakeholders, especially with the communities and private local pump mechanics, as well as with the local Government and their pump mechanics in about 10 countries in Africa, we developed the “BlueZone” O&M system, which is now considered by most stakeholders and communities to be the most preferable and sustainable way to maintain rural handpumps in Africa.

A BlueZone in theĀ Gambia

Because of the simplicity and reliability of the BluePump, breakdowns are rare and can easily be resolved without using spare parts. Nevertheless, in a BlueZone O&M system, all necessary BluePump spare parts are locally available with the DWD or with the Country represenatoive.

BluePumps =  Reliable water for the lowest price in the world

All expert on rural water supply now agree that the BlueZone O&M concept with the durable BluePump is the best and most cost-effective O&M solution for sustainable and affordable community water supply in rural Africa.

For more information on BlueZone O&M, see also

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